Blog 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology Laptop is for sure my favorite piece of technology, because you can do everything with a laptop!. I like it very much and i use it almost all the days, to do homeworks, watch some videos on youtube (usually i watch tutorials for piano or music) or in my free time play some video games with my friends, also in these days i use it to go to the online-university, so i spent a lot of time in my computer seeing the screen. i know that spend much time in front of the screen can be bad for my health, but i can't use it less hours, so when i have some time, i do some training to keep my fitness.
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When I was a child, I like very much the dinosaurs and fossils, then i wanted to be a paleontologist or an archaeologist, this desire lasted a long time, it was even an option in the moment when i choose my career, but finally i choose an health related career, but this is not the end, I wanted to study medicine or dentistry, but finally i decided for odontology due to issues of proximity and score. I don't know very well what say about my experience in the university... it's a bit strange, because everything change, but i enjoy it, in other way i guess. In the future i want to job in the public system and have my own dental clinic, that was my objetive, but if i have others options i don't have a closed mind.
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Hello there, my name is Julián Llantén, I'm 19 year old, I was born in Santiago of Chile and actually I live in the commune of PAC with my parents and my two dogs (Sol and Luna in english they will be Sun and Moon). I studied my primary and secundary in the "Colegio Parroquial san Miguel", after that i attended a pre-university, to finally be studying the first year of odontology at the "Universidad de chile". My mother and father has studied a career in the health area too, my mother is speech terapyst and my father is kinesiologist. I like talk with they, because is very funny and scientist (I am a bit nerd haha). I like play piano, but it's not the only instrument that i play... I play guitar and ukelele too, but i prefeer the piano because it has a beautiful sound to my liking and mostly of the clasical music is directly played by the piano without accompatiment practically (this is so cool in my opinion).